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Foundation Equipment Supplies Co.,Ltd.

Construction & Real Estate, Construction Machinery

Headquartered in Hangzhou, China, Foundation Equipment Supplies (China) Limited , or FES, is a leading Chinese exporter specialized in business of foundation drilling equipment, including hydraulic drilling rigs, tools, casing oscillators and casings.  

Though FES was officially registered and founded in 2002, its history can be traced back to the mid 1990s, when the founders of the company worked with some major European drilling rig manufacturers, by introducing their equipment to China and also providing accessories and service to their Chinese clients. With the belief that the integration of low assembling cost in China and application of global components and technology will be greatly desired by drilling contractors , FES started working closely with local Chinese manufacturers, to help localize production of drilling rigs in China in early 2000s.  The concept was proved to be even better than expected.  In 2003, the first Caterpillar-based YTR drilling rig was introduced to the market and it has been such a big success that up till now, there have been totally more than 500 units YTR rigs sold globally. In year 2006, the prototype of own-based R series drilling rig (now renamed to be VR series) was developed, and the sales for this specific series has been rising annually by 30% ever since, thanks to its reliability and high competitiveness.   

Today, as export agency for Yutong Heavy Industries (manufacturer of YTR series drilling rigs) and Vislord Technology and Machinery (manufacturer of VR series drilling rigs), FES is marketing overseas YTR and VR series drilling rigs, by developing local business partnerships, spare parts inventories, training of technicians, etc., and providing consultancy and turnkey solutions in foundation drilling equipment.  The product line has covered wide variety of rotary drilling rigs, ranging from 80knm to 400knm in torque, Kelly bars in both locking and friction types, drilling tools including augers, buckets, core barrels, etc., casing oscillators in both short and long versions (to work with drilling rigs and cranes respectively) and casing products including casing drivers, single-walled and double-walled casings, casing shoes and so on.   

As a Chinese-based exporter specialized in foundation construction equipment, tools and accessories, FES is committed to serving global distributors and foundation contractors with expertise service and affordable quality products.

Tags: Construction Machinery, Drilling Machines & Equipment,

Contact Person:
Mr.Bruce Wang
1-403, 71 Wenzhou Rd., Hangzhou, 310015, P.R.China, Hang Zhou 310015, Zhejaing, China

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